Phonogram University
Course List
Courses allow you to do all the teaching!
Phonogram University Course List
Phonogram University currently offers three courses that allow you to begin teaching your child to read. At Phonogram University you are the focus, allowing you to take what you learn and pass it on to your child.
Learn more about each course below.
Parents’ Teaching Reading Class @Woodlawn Five Lessons (Incomplete but free)
These lessons were created to complement a class I hosted at a local church. I determined during creation of Lesson Five that using PowerPoint would be more effective for the class. However, after reviewing the content I felt the course is worth taking for the information in the 4 1/2 lessons available. Great introduction to the phonograms but bear in mind, it was used to present additional content.
This course is hosted at YesCourse.
Phonograms Part One Seven Lessons (free)
Phonograms Part One is an excellent resource for testing out this method of teaching reading. That’s why I’m providing it free. Give it a test run and decide if you want to take advantage of the full course below and make your child a reading expert. Your child (and you) will learn the first 26 phonograms and their associated 40 sounds. Decoding and reading basic words is also part of the course. Your child will have the tools to decode and read 630 words after Lesson Seven! That list of words is provided in Lesson Two.
This course is hosted at Yes Course.
You Can Teach Your Child to Read Very Successfully! Twenty-two Lessons ($149)
This Udemy course will make your child a Phonogram Master (there is a certificate)! There are 18 phonogram lessons as well as assorted other lessons to help you teach your child to be a very successful reader. It is a major undertaking but if you have made it this far, you are a motivated parent who gets it. Improvements will continue to be made to this course, but the content is there for you to teach your child to read.
This course is hosted at Udemy.